Garlic and honey for cold and flu season

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Elephant garlic for the cold and flu season.


Elephant garlic is a perennial plant belonging to the onion genus. It is not a true garlic, but a variant of the garden leek. It has a tall, solid, flowering stalk and broad, flat leaves much like those of the leek, but forms a bulb consisting of exceptionally large, garlic-like cloves. The best part? It has a very mild flavor for people who prefer a less strong garlic.


Ingredients for 2 cups of tea

• 2 tsp honey

• ½ clove of elephant garlic (instructions below)

• 1 squeezed lemon juice

• 1 tsp coconut oil organic, extra virgin

• 1 tsp fresh ginger grated

• 1 echinacea tea bag optional


1. Combine ingredients under boiling water. Let steep at least five minutes before sipping.

The coconut oil is anti-bacterial, plus it coats your stomach and digestive tract, which is helpful first thing in the morning to help with digestion. Ginger is anti-inflammatory. The lemon is both soothing with the honey and alkaline-balancing.
